Study Notes
You can find all my study notes on Github. This collection includes my notes from classes, papers, and other personal readings. The material covers a variety of topics on machine learning, psychology, communication, and any other things related to my research. The repo is updated frequently.
Although this repo is primarily for my usage, feel free to take a look if what I study or research interests you or if you want to learn with me. To view the content, you have to download the specific notes folder and re-compile them in LaTeX (Overleaf should work best). Feel free to drop me a note on Github if you find any inaccuracy or have thoughts about any specific content.
Blogs and Videos
The blog series and videos includes more polished and self-contained pieces around statistical methods, data science and machine learning. In an ideal world I would like to continue adding to this series as I learn. So hopefully, there will be more frequent updates.
Graph Neural Network
Generative Model
Few-shot Generative Modelling with Elastic Weight Consolidation